Monday, March 26, 2012

A Little Game Called Catch-Up

It's been quite a while since my last post- I really need to be better about that.

SOOOooo What's chnged since Christmas? Jordan and I moved!!

Finally- Huntington was getting me down. Not really, but kinda- it's just really far from our friends who all live in the Costa Mesa area. So we moved to Irvine- it isn't quite Newport, but it's certainly a step closer. It reminds me of home... I'm originally from Northern California where its beautiful and green and spread out a bit more... Irvine at least has lots of greenery and things are a little more spread out and it isn't built on a grid like HB. Our new place is a tad bigger but still a one bedroom, but it's been so fun to decorate!! I built my own headboard and painted a wall in the living room... ok so there hasnt been a LOT of decorating yet, but hey, I'm still only working part time and last I checked, crate & barrel hadn't start a scholarship program. Here are the projects I've done thus far:


Here's the bed before... Excuse the mess, we were still in the midst of moving in...
Particle board from Home depot
 Foam mattress cover from HomeGoods:
 Quilt batting from JoAnn's
 Fabric (by Waverly) special ordered from JoAnn's (We went with an outdoor fabric to stand up against body oils on our hands and heads- but it isn't plasticky at all).
 HERE is where we encountered the problem... I had planned on putting the fabric ont he middle section first before doing anything to the wings, but somehow I got ahead of myself and we ran into the issue of defining the corners.
 Had to just make-do.
 And here it is all finished- not perfect, but at least I learned what NOT to do next time!!

Close up of the lamps I found at HomeGoods:

We also painted our bookshelf:

I painted these letters from Michael's and made a gallery wall with LOVE

I made a cord cover with muslin and a hot glue gun!!
I Painted the wall my fireplace/tv is on: Color: Plumage by Martha Stewart

And then I revamped the whole wall! Doesn't it look nice?? Well actually, it looks a little cray cray in this picture... still need to work on the perfect accessories, throws, and pillows, but that will come with room in the finances!

I hung some plum drapes from Target, and 3 lanterns with fake candles (also from Target):

We also bought this beautiful trunk from Crate & Barrel:

So that's pretty much it for DIYs recently... other than that I took up horseback riding- which I am LOVING!! how could you not- with this beauty as my companion:
It's been challenging but so rewarding, who needs a therapist when you have horses?! Seriously it's the best thing I've done in a long time.

My birthday came and went and now I am officially in my mid-twenties. 25 feels so much older than 24.

I took my little bro to the Zoo for his bday!! It was actually very fun- saw some gorillas and tigers... and a lot of boring animals- all those deer-like/ goat-like things? How many of those do I really need to see??? I wanna see more wild cats!! And a grizzly!!!

Aside from all that, I'm still on the hunt for full-time work. I've only had a few interviews since my last post, which has been disappointing, but I'm confident that the right thing is coming and I'll know when it shows itself. I'm currently waiting to hear back on an interview I had last week! Cross your fingers! If that one doesn't work out I'm going to have to look into what it'll take to become a super model- that seems like it shouldn't take to long, right? In any case, I'll be putting the job hunt on hold until I'm back from Europe.

EUROPE!!!! Jordan and I are going to London & Paris for 2 weeks in May- SO SO excited! His parents are taking us along with them on their very first trip to Europe- Jordan and I have both been over there a few times, so we'll be the seasoned travel guides!!

All in all, life is pretty dang good.

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