Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Healthy Schmealthy

Recently, Wholefoods opened a new store a cool 5 minutes from my house. I was excited- even though I'd never actually been to one. Also I did my senior business strategy project on Wholefoods... shoot, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned never having been to the store before.. whatever. So anyway, a few months back I started a heavy-duty diet, and so I went to Wholefoods to stock up on all their healthy foods. Since then I've been back, uhm, twice. BUT what I've come to discover is that I don't necessarily have to shop there and eat their food to be healthy- I feel healthy just being in a Wholefoods! Jordan and I popped in there this weekend for a quick bite for dinner and, although I got pizza, I just felt healthier! Jordan has been on my case these past 3 weeks or so to get back on a healthier meal plan- gnocchi in pink sauce apparently doesn't qualify as a health-conscious meal choice. And neither do sourdough bagels with cream cheese. Bollocks. So here's my plan, continue with my gnocchi, bagel, and chocolate milk diet (did I mention my recent obsession with Trader Joe's chocolate milk)- oh Trader Joe's is another store that I figure, "If it's from TJ's, it's gotta be healthy." Anyway, I'll just stay on that diet but spend a lot of time at Wholefoods. Who's with me? I should write a book...

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