Sunday, July 18, 2010


     I used to sew a lot... My mom taught me the basics, and then I learned more in home economics when I was in junior high. One of the best things I learned was how to embroider... so taking this knowledge and putting it to use I started making baby blankets for family and friends when they had babies. 
      Now I haven't made one in years- but a good friend and former boss is about to have a baby, so I thought I'd give it a go again. So I went to Joanne's and bought a ton of stuff- but still less than I was about to buy- I reigned myself in as I often fail to do at craft stores- I get so excited about what I can do that I buy soooo much! But this time I only bought the materials for this project and a few necessities to get me going. ANYWAY... It's been so long since I've sewed anything that I forgot about dealing with the complications that come along with it- stretchy fabrics, puckering... yada yada... I'm no seamstress- it came out with some issues, but I figured I can just say something like, "all the flaws are proof of too much love" or something like that... Home-made stuff is supposed to have imperfections, right???? Whatever. It's super cute, and although not perfect It still turned out really well and I'm sure they'll love it and so will baby Cayla Lynn LeBrecht :).

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