Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And So It Begins

I started my job yesterday. They told me it's gonna be pretty uneventful, but I don't think I realized they were serious... It is a VERY quiet job!! But oh so wonderful! So far it has been great- fairly easy to learn- the phones are complicated, and knowing what to do in each situation that arises is challenging because there isn't a lot of practice due to the low flow of phone calls and visitors, but apparently I'm ahead of the curve. So I'm pretty excited about that. As simple as the job is I still want to do my best and impress them- it may only be a part time receptionist position but you never know where it could go!

Anyway, the people are nice, the office is nice and I get the the reception area all to myself- with the exception of people constantly walking in and out haha... but we've got TVs, so it gives me something to watch and listen to. I was pleasantly surprised that I'm allowed to pretty much do whatever when I'm not on the phone or assisting visitors- which is 95% of my time- within reason- we don't want to be unprofessional or well, stupid... so I get plenty of time to keep on top of my oh-so-important social networking and emails, or catch up on my reading - I can even change the channel on the TV from news to something more interesting- although I doubt they'd approve of mtv, or nickelodeon or anything like that, but maybe some HGTV?? Who knows... it's only been 2 days, I've got plenty more time to figure it all out! Even the big VP told me I could change the channel if I wanted- although I think I'm gonna be nervous about doing that for a while, so I'll just catch up on world news for a month or two.

Its not all uneventful tho- I get some pretty entertaining phone calls and solicitors sometimes- gives me something to tell the hubs about when I get home :) For example, today some woman called looking for an adult high school and I told her that's not us, and she asked if I had the number for this adult high school- uhm, no... so she asks if we get calls for the adult high school a lot- no, we don't. Then she asks if I have any other number to reach the adult high school at... I'm beginning to understand why she needs this number so bad- I, as politely as I can at this point, say that we are not affiliated in any way with an adult high school and I have never heard of it. So she says, 'alright then I guess there's something wrong with my google.'.... no ma'am something is wrong with your comprehension level.

Welp that's all I've got for now, loving the new job... and now it's time to do something I absolutely do NOT love: working out- and even worse... its the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. ouch.


  1. hahahaha that second to last paragraph... i definitely laughed out loud. i love you. glad you're enjoying the new job!

  2. Hey I am very proud of my working girl :)

    we love you and we have an 11:30 tasting at Larkmead :)

    love adad
